The son of God at one with his Father

This is the first text Martinus wrote after his cosmic birth. It became the became the final section of Livets Bog - in English: "the book of life" the main work of The Third Testament.


Holy Father! Thou who art the one and only! I thank you and praise you for having given me sets of senses that enable me to hear, perceive and understand all the manifestations of Nature or life as being one with your almighty voice, manifestations that allow me consciously to experience and understand this life as your fatherly voice, education and blessing, which are addressed to me personally. Thank you for having given me the ability to enjoy this, the mighty music and speech of your heavenly voice. This wonderful voice, which rang out from divine beings among the snow-clad summits of the Himalayas, produced the pyramids and the sphinxes, and has thus for thousands of years filled the spiritual atmosphere of the sunny tropical regions of India and Egypt. Once the same heavenly voice rang out over the mountains of Judea, and resounded in distant kingdoms and in distant epochs. It roared through the waters of the oceans, it whispered in the little stream in the quiet solitude of the forest, and it vibrated from pole to pole: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled ...”. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and be blessed, blessed, blessed; thus sounded these heavenly harmonies for all eternity, and the echo from this became the spiritual foundation for millions of people for thousands of years.


Heavenly Father! Thank you for having enabled me, a mere speck of dust from your holy countenance, to reflect on your mighty communication, speech and teaching, which you have addressed to me personally, and for having made me conscious of the fact that there exists for my own I no other father, priest or teacher. Everything that I know, you yourself have personally told me. But as everything you have told me is identical to all of my knowledge and as my knowledge in turn can only exist as the basis from which are released all my manifestations, these manifestations of mine are in reality identical to your manifestations, and my thoughts are thus your thoughts, and my ways your ways and my will your will. And everything I have in the way of consciousness or knowledge, you yourself have personally given me. So you have thereby made clear to me or allowed me to experience for myself that everything you have given me that falls within the scope of my manifestations constitutes your voice and your speaking.


Dear Father! As well as thanking you for allowing me in this way to be embodied in your voice, I also thank you for having placed me on a planet or in a world where everything you have given me in the form of spirit is, in the eyes of this world, identical to budding idealism. You are thus allowing my manifestations to be identical to the ideals of future worlds. But as these ideals ultimately cannot exist without them constituting the factors that release love, you have hereby revealed to me that I will be loved by future beings in just the same way as you today enable me, as an inborn, natural disposition, to love beings. But because to be loved by beings is the same as to be loved by you, divine Father, you have given me a guarantee and a solid promise of your eternal love.


Wondrous Father! Thank you for having subjected me, through this my personal experience of you, to an unfolding of consciousness that, in the form of the incarnation of the budding idealism of the planet, allows me to appear once more as an open channel for your eternal wisdom, and through the divine, all-penetrating sunlit rays of this wisdom, you will now bring – not only balm and healing to all those in distress, who are lying mutilated and in pain after the bloody ride through the death terrains of war or Armageddon, but also offer all the peoples of the Earth a new wonderful clearsightedness into the mighty combinations found in existence, thereby instilling them with confidence in the infinite, subtle perfection and justice of your laws – leading them on to becoming united with and acquainted with your immense and elevated nature, and showing them how you, in love's radiant glory, stand eternally smiling to embrace with open arms every single being that exists – allowing them to witness that no being has at any time ever been excluded from this divine embrace and that no being will at any time ever be excluded from it, – teaching them how one only becomes conscious of this wonderful embrace when one has learnt to love one's surroundings in such a way that, with the help of this love, one becomes able to forgive them for absolutely everything that they have inflicted on oneself in the way of unpleasantness. This love will bring human beings to the point where they are filled with this one single great fact, expressed in the words: “I will be a joy and a blessing for everything that I come into contact with, thereby enabling me to be in contact with my heavenly Father and so find myself, as a sun-like being, on this firm, rock-solid foundation at the very centre of life, light, love and bliss.”


Great, almighty Godhead! Thank you for having led me forwards to zones where there is no longer any mistaking your nature, and for having given me a consciousness that enables me to sense you in everything that I come into contact with. I am aware of your eternal presence in all religions and religious communities that exist and feel how tirelessly you are working in these areas to bring human beings so that they are conscious of how you encircle all things in your wonderful embrace, so that they do not go on living in fear, but rest in blissful happiness and safety on your eternal breast. I am aware of your all-penetrating presence in the love of parents towards their offspring, and your uniting of the two sexes in the warmth of marriage, of your creating of loyal friendships between beings thereby allowing love to grow, ripen and unfold in them in such a way that with the help of this wonderful all-illuminating source of light they see straight through the fine gauze veil that the world calls “the curse of darkness” and see that all is radiant light and perfection, based on a foundation of love by means of which all people will eventually join you in exclaiming: “Behold, everything is very good”.


Dear Father! I am aware of your wondrous presence when I direct my gaze out into the immense depths of space and, in the fires of thousands of stars, you unfold before me how you, with their rays, have caressed our planet in the past just as you are doing at present, and that the stars that today shine in such a friendly way upon our little world are the same ones that throughout history have shone upon the emergence, the flowering and the decline of the many civilisations, small as well as great. They met the gaze of Babylonians, Syrians, Medes and Persians, Greeks and Romans, – they met the gaze of mighty pharaohs, – of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of Joseph and his brothers, – of Moses and Aaron, – of the prophets of Israel, – of King Saul, King David and King Solomon, – of Jesus and his disciples. They sparkled and shone over the Flood, over Noah's ark, over the wanderings of the Israelites in the desert and on the night of Christmas in Bethlehem. But through the smiling of the stars you have done even more. From the darkness of night you blazed your way into the receptive mind of the solitary astronomer there to reveal the first elementary concepts of your eternal wisdom. You allowed him to perceive a vague glimmering of your great depths, your immense space. You taught him that his own world was a star in space moving in mighty orbits in accordance with eternal laws. You allowed him to analyse the rays of the sun and the light from distant worlds, from sparkling suns in such profusion and over such horizons that the entire panorama became luminous mists fading away beyond the bounds of time and space, leaving him with the first vague abilities to think in accordance with your gigantic thoughts or the first glimmerings of a dawning cosmic clearsightedness, that clear sight by means of which all living beings will be enabled to see you in your eternal radiant glory, – Thou! who art the one true God.


Beloved Father! Thank you for having allowed me to experience you in the powerful flash of lightening as, against the thunder's mighty rumbling, it streaks through the clouds. I am aware of you in the storm as you pass over the forests and plains of the continents and across the oceans. I feel you as in the quiet gentle breeze, you cause the meadow flowers to dance their fairy dances or the tree tops to whisper their soft, sleep-inducing melodies. I am aware of you in the golden-red skies of the morning and evening, just as I see your warmth-giving light reach its culmination at the day's noontide zenith where it lights up the oceans and continents of the planet. You sparkle and radiate health and well-being over the Earth. You create energy, warmth, food and a place to live for millions of species thereby affording them their first vague presentiments of your radiant existence. I see your creative power in the glorious Northern lights that in the darkness of night shimmer over the vast reaches of the polar regions with their snowfields, icebergs and frozen seas, with their midnight sun and winter darkness. I see you in the tropics, in the immense variety of forms and the wealth of colour in which life expresses itself here, and I see you in the culmination of the plant and the animal kingdoms and in the transforming, in your creative hands, of the great mass of human beings.


Most precious Father, almighty Godhead of the universe! I sense you in all the technical and other material marvels that you have rendered human beings capable of creating in the forms of enormous constructions: skyscrapers, great bridges, tunnels, railways, machinery, electrical installations, factories, films and television, art and literature and so much more. I sense you in that warm blessing that you bring to the world through the magnanimity of scientists, artists, authors, politicians, business people and workers. You show me that each and every one of them contributes to perfecting and glorifying the wondrous temple of life that you have given them, in the form of the realms of the Earth, as a dwelling place. This is where you allow me to see your first signs of the result of your transformation of animals into human beings. And so dazzling is this result that even now I can see the quality of your divine creative ability beginning to be visible in the manifestations of unfinished human beings to such an extent that, despite Doomsday or Armageddon, they are beginning to make the Earth shine and your presence in them is beginning to be felt.


Dear Father! Thank you for not only having rendered the temporal, material world one with your personal speaking to me, but also for having given me sets of senses that, not in a state of trance or ecstasy, but through a permanent, awake and clear day consciousness, allow me to experience all the cosmic worlds, the most fundamental causes, eternal laws and basic principles that lie behind that physical world, through which you are precisely visible as eternal in all your super terrestrial, cosmic radiant glory. I praise and thank you for the wonderful initiation, the treasured baptisms of fire, whereby you opened my eyes and enabled me to gaze in wonder into your unbounded love, infinite wisdom, almightiness and enormity. If I were to fly on the wings of light at thousands of miles a second, I would be able to travel for century after century through your immense space without ever, ever coming to the edge of your vast expanses. With just as powerful a speed I can go up into what is large, and down into what is small, without ever, ever coming to the largest or the smallest in you. I praise you for having allowed me to gaze into planes of existence, whose inhabitants are so mighty that the substances of their manifestations appear to us as mighty universes with innumerable planets, suns and milky way systems, and for having shown me how these planets or worlds, as well as being organisms or bodies for what are to us gigantic brothers in evolution, constitute at the same time the dwelling places or planes of existence for that category of beings to which we belong and that constitute the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom and the other divine kingdoms in the mesocosmic spiral cycle. At the same time you have shown me how spiral cycles below this one are populated by an immense multitude of small universes whose inhabitants today constitute the seeds that at some time in the far-distant future will appear as sunlit human beings, from whose consciousness your spirit will shine with such strength that they will, with this, come to light up the planets and bring the worlds into submission.


Beloved, holy Father! I praise and thank you for having shown me how all existing forms of life, whether plants or animals of different forms, or human races of different colour and different evolutionary development, with differing fates, differing morality and differing views of yourself, heavenly Father, are all created and ruled by your hand. You have allowed me to see that not one single being is forsaken or can fail in your divine plan. Your guiding hand is upon every single being, every single son of God. You are with him in the darkness. You are with him in his epochs of suffering, even if he neither suspects nor understands your presence. You are the fire within him that causes him to rise victorious from the darkness and coldness of primitivity in order to let him shine and sparkle with your wisdom and love over everything and everyone. In this way you have guided through the dark spheres of Doomsday or Armageddon all the beings that today populate your highest regions of light. And in this way you are today in the process of guiding all human beings out of the Earth's spheres of darkness and suffering into the radiant glory of your regions of light.


Dear almighty Father! I praise and thank you for having allowed me to awaken to a state of consciousness where I see that I stand eternally before your almighty countenance. In a divine fatherly correspondence, you have revealed to me the mystery of your immense kingdom, the infinite wisdom, unbounded love and almightiness of your gigantic being, and that the universe is an eternally culminating manifestation of love that determines for all existing living beings their eternal experience of life in the brightness and warmth of your radiant glory. I thank you for having shown me in such a loving way that all existing living beings have eternally rested in the brightness and warmth of your divine embrace, and that they will never at any time have their dwelling in any other place. I see that it is only a question of time before those human beings who are today ignorant of this magnificence will awaken to a consciousness of eternity and in blissful rapture gaze into the source of life: the sun of suns, whose dazzling light and warmth is your eternal spirit and which reveals you as the absolute one and only true godhead and the eternal Father of all living beings. And in this way you prove to me that all living beings bear an eternal divine kinship to one another. And I see that this kinship can only flourish in light, happiness and bliss by keeping your great loving commandment: to love your God above all things and your neighbour as yourself, this being the fulfilment of all the laws.


Dear heavenly Father! Thank you for thus having allowed me, through a temporal, physical state, to awaken to an eternally transfigured existence, bathed in your love and eternally surrounded by beings who are nothing other than very dear to me, wherever I might find myself and whoever I might come into contact with, for you have enabled me to see and recognise the fire and the rays from your sparkling countenance in every single living being.

Quoted from Livets Bog Vol. 7

© 1981 Martinus Institut