This project is based on voluntary work and funded by private contributions. Without these silent helpers, there would be no website! We therefore still need to raise awareness of the foundation and its need for continuous financial support to pay for homepages, exhibitions and printing of flyers. Contributions are used exclusively for the purposes mentioned here. You can make a contribution to the information work through the swedish Foundation – Stiftelsen Tredje Testamentet:
IBAN: SE3950000000051531192238 SWIFT: ESSESESS. The accounts of the Swedish foundation are publicly available here.
Using PayPal you can send your gift this way:
As this is non-profit you choose: "A gift to family and friends, type transfer". Choose this mail receiver: Choose receiver name "Stiftelsen Tredje Testamentet". Your text can be: "A gift to the voluntary work".
Stiftelsen Tredje Testamentet - Sverige